
Inaugural lecture Antoine Buyse online available
On June 16 Antoine Buyse was appointed as full professor in human rights in a multidisciplinary perspective. His inaugural lecture is available here.
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How diverse is the Dutch Science Agenda?
Recently CCHR coordinators Rosemarie Buikema, Antoine Buyse and Ton Robben have submitted three questions to the Dutch Science Agenda. Within this context they have also written an opinion article which has been published on In this article they critically reflect upon the Science Agenda, and claim that the used phrasing of building the science agenda ‘together’…
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CCHR submits questions to the Nationale Wetenschapsagenda
The Dutch Science Agenda will contain the themes that science will focus on in the coming years. The science agenda consolidates the strengths of different parties to give a boost to the collaboration between scientists, industry and civil society organisations. Strengthening the international top position Dutch science belongs to the international top. To further strengthen thistop…
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Results Grant Proposal round February 2015
For the Grant Proposal round of February 2015 the CCHR selection commission received a total of 12 eligible applications. A total of 8 proposals have been approved for funding, which are: Georg Frerks & Marjolein van den Brink – The Truth of Gender and Gendering the Truth. Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in Peru, Sierra Leone…
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New publications on Human Rights
The newest issue of the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NHRQ) 2014 (4) features the following articles: L. van Waas, ‘Are We There Yet? The Emergence of Statelessness on the International Human Rights Agenda’ D. McGrogan, ‘On the Interpretation of Human Rights Treaties and Subsequent Practice’ N. Higgins, ‘Advancing the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous…
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Applications open for E.MA programme in Human Rights and Democratisation
The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) is a unique one year advanced Master’s course developed by 10 pioneering universities that today counts on the participation of 41 prestigious universities and human rights centres from all member states of the European Union. It offers an outstanding mix of theory and practice and…
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Call for funding deadline February 1, 2015
Participating researchers and PhD students are encouraged to apply for the co-funding of initiatives that straddle at least two research programs. Limited funding (max. € 10,000) is available for personnel replacement costs for the applicants and/or the remuneration of student and research assistants. Only 10% of the requested sum can be used for material costs (travel,…
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New book: Transnationational Memory. Circulation, Articulation, Scales
How do memories circulate transnationally and to what effect? How to understand the enduring role of national memories and their simultaneous reconfiguration under globalisation? Prof. Ann Rigney (UU) and Dr Chiara de Cesari (UvA) have collected a variety of essays that address these and other major questions within the field of memory studies. In October, these were published in…
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Renée Steenbergen over hoe de culturele sector het mecenaat kan bevorderen
Culturele instellingen kunnen niet langer hun hand ophouden bij de overheid, maar moeten zelf op zoek naar financiering. In het Financieele Dagblad van 31 oktober verscheen een uitgebreide analyse van hoe dat ze tot nu toe vergaat. Renée Steenbergen, research fellow Mecenaatstudies en CCHR aan de Universiteit Utrecht, stelt in het artikel dat het mecenaat…
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Results grant proposal round 1 September 2014
After the first call for funding of 1 September, the CCHR has received a total of 18 eligible applications. The selection commission was very impressed with the quality of the work, and the intentions of scholars to contribute in making CCHR a strong and timely focus area within Utrecht University. A total of 13 proposals…
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