Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights


New publications on Human Rights

The newest issue of the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NHRQ) 2014 (4) features the following articles:

  • L. van Waas, ‘Are We There Yet? The Emergence of Statelessness on the International Human Rights Agenda’
  • D. McGrogan, ‘On the Interpretation of Human Rights Treaties and Subsequent Practice’
  • N. Higgins, ‘Advancing the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: Getting UN Attention via the Universal Periodic Review’
  • M. Jonker, S. Halrynjo, ‘Multidimensional Discrimination in Judicial Practice: A Legal Comparison Between Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands’

Other recent articles published by CCHR-affiliated staf are:

  • A. Buyse, ´Words of Violence: “Fear Speech,” or How Violent Conflict Escalation Relates to the Freedom of Expression´ (2014) Human Rights Quarterly vol. 36-4, pp. 779-797.
  • B. de Gaay Fortman, ‘Between Principles and Practice: Grotius’ Commitment to Religious Peace in a Contemporary Context’, (2013) in Grotiana (Annual Journal with Brill) Vol. 34, pp. 25–40.
  • S.J. Hollenberg ‘The Security Council’s 1267/1989 Targeted Sanctions Regime and the Use of Confidential Information: A Proposal for Decentralization of Review’ (2015) Leiden Journal of International Law Vol. 28, pp. 49-71.

Also a book on human rights has recently been published:

  • A. Mihr, M. Gibney, The SAGE Handbook of Human Rights (two volume set), California: SAGE Publications, 2014.sage

    The SAGE Handbook of Human Rights will comprise a two volume set consisting of more than 50 original chapters that clarify and analyze human rights issues of both contemporary and future importance with an inter-disciplinary approach. Furthermore, not only will the Handbook provide an analysis of the discipline that addresses the history and development of human rights standards and its movements, mechanisms and institutions, but it will seek to go beyond this and produce a book that will help lead to prospective thinking.