
ERC Advanced Grant for Ann Rigney Remembering Hope: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe
We congratulate Prof. Ann Rigney who received the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant. Mass demonstrations make headlines, but then seem to disappear. How are these demonstrations remembered when they are no longer news? That is the central question in the ERC project recently awarded to Prof. Ann Rigney. The ERC Advanced Grant (€2.5 million) is a five-year grant…
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Lorena Sosa awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship for research on gender-based violence
Dr Lorena Sosa, fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Global Fellowship for her research on gender-based violence. This three-year fellowship, funded by the European Commission, will allow her to conduct research at the Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género (IIEGE) of the University of Buenos Aires in…
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Breaking Science Research Application
We invite you to participate in a unique opportunity. Utrecht University offers you to get trained in its annual science communication competition. CCHR is sponsoring the participation of 3 to 5 of its researchers. It is a great opportunity to present your own research. If you are interested to join, please contact us to receive an application…
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UN CEDAW Member visits Utrecht
On 16 October 2017, Julie Fraser and Dr Marjolein van den Brink hosted Ms Hilary Gbedemah of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW Committee) at Utrecht University. Ms Gbedemah presented a Masterclass for students, and was the keynote speaker at a seminar entitled: Gender-related Dimensions of Disasters in a Changing Climate. The seminar addressed the topic of climate…
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Grant Proposals Results Round September 2017
For the September 2017 round of funding, the CCHR selection commission received 24 eligible applications. A total of 21 proposals have been approved for funding, which are: Ton Robben – Translation of book ‘Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability’ from English into Spanish Tessa Diphoorn & Brianne McGonigle Leyh – Cosponsor a two-day workshop entitled ‘Guarantees of Non-Recurrence: Transformative…
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Veni-financiering voor onderzoek Alexandra Timmer naar gender-onrechtvaardigheid
Dr. Alexandra Timmer krijgt een Veni-subsidie voor haar onderzoek naar onrechtvaardigheid binnen Europa op het gebied van gender. Zij is verbonden aan het Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM). Vaarwel, onrechtvaardigheid op gebied van gender Europa blijft last houden van onrechtvaardigheid op het gebied van gender. De juridische aanpak daarvan bestaat voornamelijk uit mensenrechten en het gelijke behandelingsrecht….
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Last Seedmoney Round – Deadline: 15 September 2017
The members of the participating research programmes in Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights are encouraged to apply for the co-funding of initiatives. CCHR funding is meant to encourage new, interdisciplinary research projects that contribute to one or more CCHR research lines: Mediation, Sovereignty, and Contestation. Important note: In view of the coordination for matching purposes and the…
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Antoine Buyse elected vice-chair of AHRI
At the annual conference of the global Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), Antoine Buyse, director of SIM, was elected vice-chair of Association. AHRI consists of a large number of European and global research institutes carrying out research and education in the field of human rights. The objective of AHRI is to promote research, education…
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New Publication – Rosemarie Buikema ‘Revoltes in de cultuurkritiek’
In Revoltes in de cultuurkritiek staat de relatie tussen kunst en politieke transitie centraal. Van Virginia Woolf en Louis Couperus, tot aan Marlene van Niekerk en William Kentridge hebben kunstenaars en intellectuelen zich de afgelopen anderhalve eeuw gebogen over de vraag: hoe moeten we omgaan met een erfenis van uitsluiting en onderdrukking? Aan de hand…
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ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Dr. Maykel Verkuyten
We congratulate Dr. Prof. Maykel Verkuyten, who received the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant of 2.3 million euros. The title of the project Intergroup toleration: It’s Nature, Processes, and Consequences for Culturally Diverse Societies, will examen underlying psychological aspects of tolerance. For further information, please see here.
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