
Prof. Rosemarie Buikema in the Algemeen Dagblad – 2 March, 2017
Prof. Rosemarie Buikema (Gender Studies) explains in the Algemeen Dagblad why women should join peace negotiations. This article is in Dutch and can be viewed here.
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Results Grant Proposals Round February 2017
For the February 2017 round of funding the CCHR selection commission received 11 eligible applications. A total of 8 proposals have been approved for funding, which are: Olga Panteleeva – Preparation for Marie Curie application on being a musicologist behind the Iron curtain Paul Franssen – Organize Symposium Jane Austen Els Rose – Workshop to prepare…
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Jubilee Conference – Crossing borders: challenging linguistic and cultural diversity
A conference is to be held to mark the first 12.5 years of the Utrecht MA Programme in Intercultural Communication, and to look ahead to the next decade. This conference aims to facilitate and strengthen interdisciplinary research that underpins this Master’s programme. The conference will be hosted by the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (Uil-OTS) and…
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NWO Vici Grants
We congratulate the recipients dr. Els Rose and prof. Barbara Oomen with their awarded Vici grants for each 1.5 million Euros. Both researcher are affiliated with CCHR. Prof. Barbara Oomen, who holds a chair in the Sociology of Human Rights at Utrecht University, and works at University College Roosevelt, will be researching the relationship between cities, international…
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Onderzoek integratie en diversiteit
Bent u op zoek naar recente publicaties, promotieonderzoeken of literatuur over vluchtelingen, migranten en asielzoekers in Nederland? Of wilt u weten wat er is gepubliceerd over integratie en diversiteit? Op deze pagina downloadt u overzichten met referenties naar onder andere publicaties en boeken (Proefschriften, oraties, masterscripties, nationaal en internationaal onderzoek). In de overzichten van 2014,…
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PCI Film Series 2017
The Postcolonial Studies Initiative continues its 7th film series in 2017 with a selection of films, shown monthly, that draw on a variety of different contexts in our postcolonial world. The series is organized annually and invites all interested in our European postcolonial present and the representation of its political, cultural and aesthetic realities and…
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Call for Papers: Religion(s) and Cultural Production(s) of the Italian Diaspora(s)
Matteo Brera and Monica Jansen (Italian Department at Utrecht University) organise a two-day symposium (19 and 20 May 2017) to explore how religious hierarchies, institutions and practices shaped the identity and the cultural production (language, literature, performance, social media) of past and present Italian diasporas. Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Stefano Luconi (Università degli Studi di Firenze) Loredana…
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Prof. Rosemarie Buikema in De Volkskrant
Prof. Buikema published an article on women’s emancipation in De Volkskrant (31. October, 2016) with Renee Romkens and Sawitri Saharso. The article can be found here (in Dutch).
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Call for CCHR funding deadline February 1, 2017
The members of the participating research programmes in Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights are encouraged to apply for the co-funding of initiatives. CCHR funding is meant to encourage new, interdisciplinary research projects that contribute to one or more CCHR research lines: Mediation, Sovereignty, and Contestation. In particular, but certainly not exclusively, we encourage projects that…
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ERC Consolidator Grants
We’re congratulating the ERC award honorees. The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded 2 Consolidator Grants of each 2 million euros to CCHR Seed Money recipients. The historian and Latinist Dr. Dirk van Miert (Cultural History) will be conducting research into the ideal of sharing knowledge within early modern scholarly networks in Europe. Dr. Cristina Grasseni´s (Cultural…
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