Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights


30 May 2018 - 1 Jun 2018
University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University (Middelburg)

Conference: Territories in Dispute: Epistemologies, Resistances, Spiritualities and Rights

It’s a great pleasure to invite you to the Ninth Multidisciplinary Conference on Indigenous Peoples entitled “Territories in dispute: epistemologies, resistances, spiritualities and rights”, on 30/31 May and 1 June 2018 at the University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University (Middelburg, the Netherlands).

We will welcome papers that address the following the themes:

1. Southern Epistemologies: territories, political ecology and the Buen Vivir (Good Life)
2. Rights for nature or Rights of nature? Challenges and contributions from Indigenous worlds
3. Indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage: the 169 ILO convention, the UNDRIP and consultation processes application, challenges and future developments.
4. Conflicts and modern wars: epistemicides, knowledges, alternatives beyond modernity and conflict resolutions.
5. Defining the international political and legal impacts of the Rights of nature
6. Gender: Indigenous Feminism, Justice and Patriarchy in Indigenous worlds
7. Cross-intercultural dialogues: climate change, human rights and environmental sciences, what can we exchange and what can we learn from each other?
8. Policies: educational policies, Indigenous languages, educational access, educational pluralism.
9. Regaining consciousness, emerging identities: Indigenous Art-design, cinema and cultural property.

Paper proposals (max. 300 words) can be in English or Spanish and should be submitted by email at up to the end of April 2018. A CV summary (max. 50-100 words) of the author/s shall be included in Spanish or English. Abstracts in Portuguese are accepted with the translation in English, however presentations are in English or Spanish.

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